Great question! The fact that you are asking that questions means you are ready to take action and that’s the first and really exciting step in improving your finances.
Clearly as a Finance Coach, I do not want anyone spending money and not getting value out of this – that includes my own products and services!
I pride myself on the YouChange service and I know my clients extract excellent value out of going through the process. So before you commit to our coaching service or workbook, its important that you know where you will get the most value out of your hard earned money.
Below you will see what service might best suit you.
You, Yourself and Your Money – a DIY financial workbook.
This workbook has so much content and exercises for you to work through. It gives you specific things you need to look for and questions you need to answer for yourself to better enhance your finances.
It also gives you access to the YouChange budget template for you to create your own budget.
Warning – this will take TIME and EFFORT on your part. It will take you several hours to work through this book and you will need to be ready to do a deep dive in numbers.
For some people – that sounds terrible. If this is you then you need to move to the next section because you probably won’t enjoy going through this process and therefore probably won’t complete it. You are more likely to be suited to Financial Coaching if you are not excited about diving into the numbers – get someone else to do that for you.
You, Yourself and Your money is perfect for you if:
- You want to make changes to your finances by yourself but you are not sure where to start
- You have the time, energy, focus and discipline to complete this process entirely
- Your finances are already in pretty good shape, you just want to look for some areas that you could make some improvements
- If you are in a relationship, you are already on the same page financially and you have positive conversations about money.
You, Yourself and Your money is NOT for you if:
- You have tried to make changes to your finances before and didn’t stick with it
- Numbers are not your cup of tea
- You need accountability and some guidance on what you should do and some help making decisions
- You feel overwhelmed by your finances and are therefore ignoring the topic.
- You do not have the time, mental space and dedication to complete this on your own.
Finance Coaching
Financial Coaching is what I love to do. It energises me and the changes I see in clients inspire me. Financial coaching is about having someone else come in and look at your situation and be able to provide guidance and assistance to help you make improvements. I work alongside you to implement changes and also challenge you to continuously improve.
Financial Coaching is perfect for you if:
- You know that you could be doing better with your finances
- Numbers are not your cup of tea, you would rather be thinking about more exciting things
- You have tried to budget in the past but it hasn’t stuck
- You have debt you want to get rid of
- You are not satisfied with the amount that you are saving
- You need accountability and for someone to tell/show you where you need to make improvements.
- You are your partner need some help getting on the same page financially.
- You feel overwhelmed and have no idea where to begin with making changes.
Financial Coaching is NOT for you if:
- You are not ready to make the commitment and put the effort into making change
- Only one of you in the relationship wants to make change – we need you both on board to get the best results.
- You are already achieving your financial goals and are certain there is no room for improvement
If you are still not sure what might be right for you, contact us and we can have a chat about what the next best move would be for you.
I want to see people achieving their financial potential.