What is a Finance Coach?

A finance coach is someone who will help you to achieve a better financial life for yourself and your family.


A finance coach will hold you accountable to making the changes that you need to in order to make lasting improvements to your financial habits.


A finance coach will guide and support you through making those changes to help it feel easier and simplify the process.


A finance coach is a third party person to ensure all parties are heard and considered and to help channel differing prospectives towards a shared goal.


As a finance coach I am so passionate about seeing people reach their financial potential. I believe that everyone would benefit from a session with a finance coach no matter our age or stage in life. It is so valuable to have feedback on what you are currently doing and ideas around what could work better.

I do find that a lot of people are looking for a Finance Coach and wanting the results, but may not be ready to actually commit.

I know what you’re thinking – doesn’t it seem a little counter-productive to spend money when we are wanting to improve our finances? Shouldn’t we be trying to save every penny?

The answering question to that is – have you successfully done it on your own?? And yes how we spend our pennies is very important, but sometimes an upfront investment can yield far greater long term returns.

An average YouChange client, is around $18,000 a year better off having gone through our plans and coaching. That means after just a year, they have around 6x the amount of what their investment was. They all say that it is absolutely an investment worth making.

We do not hesitate to contact and pay a professional for a building job to make improvements to our home. Yet we hesitate to contact and invest in a professional who can make improvements to so many other areas of our lives.

If your still on the fence to weather this is true value for you – here is what some of our clients have to say.


So is a finance coach for you?

– Do you want to have more clarity on what your money is doing and where it is going?

– Do you every feel conscious, guilty or concerned about spending money?

– Do you want to feel confident and secure in your future?

– Do you want to forget about living paycheck to paycheck and be more prepared financially?

– Are you and your partner sometimes on different pages when it comes to money? This might cause tension, or avoiding talking about the subject of money?

– Do you know that you could create a budget, but need someone to actually hold you accountable so that you stick with it?


If you answered yes to any of those questions, you would benefit from having a Finance Coach.

Good news, YouChange is here to help! We want to see people change the way they think, feel and talk about their money. If you are ready to make the commitment, then book a consultation with us.